actinolite x wine by merrin:
Wine Club Subscriptions
We have collaborated with our previous GM, Merrin McHugh, who now has the company Wine By Merrin. We bring you a collectively chosen 6-pack of wines on a bi-monthly basis. The choices incorporate Miguel’s Wine Pairings for our seasonal menu plus 2 ‘Merrin’s Picks’ bottles that go well with that season’s menu.
Wine Club
Former GMMerrin was the GM and Wine Director at Actinolite for almost 8 years! If you dined here 2014-2022, you probably met her!
In April 2023 she suffered a massive stroke. Against all odds, she recovered and returned to work, embracing a renewed focus on health, balance, and purposeful living—something she believes the hospitality industry greatly needs.
With over a decade of wine expertise and a new vigour, Merrin is excited to bring exceptional service and experiences to her clients and share the best of what she knows about wine, food, and hospitality.
Wine by Merrin is a new company providing all different services. Check her out!